Dozens of Palestinians Injured by Israeli Gunfire in Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Dozens of Palestinians demonstrating at the Gaza border were injured by Israeli gunfire and tear gas on Friday, as the latest round of protests drew several thousand participants to the frontier.

Most of the participants on Friday kept their distance and remained about 800 meters from the fence. Dozens of youths, however, advanced to around 300 meters distance and burned tires at one protest spot.

East of Gaza City some youths came right up to the fence and tried to pull it apart, Reuters reported.

Israeli troops fired tear gas and live rounds. Soldiers also fired at kites with flaming tails to try to bring them down before they landed in farmland in occupied territories and set crops alight.

Gaza health ministry officials said at least 109 protesters were hurt. Medics said at least 10 were wounded by live rounds.

Protesters dispersed as dusk fell to prepare to break their daytime fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Dubbed the March of Return, the protests were launched on March 30 to demand the right of return for Palestinian refugees and their descendants to family lands or homes lost to Israel during its founding in a 1948 war.

Protests along the border reached a peak on May 14 when Gaza medical sources said at least 60 Palestinians were killed by Israeli gunfire. The violence has tapered off since but there are still sporadic flare-ups.

Since the border protests began, 113 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire, Gaza medical officials said.