Iran’s Intelligence Forces Arrest 27 Terrorists

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Intelligence Ministry announced on Monday that its forces managed to arrest 27 terrorists before they could carry out act of terror in the country.

According to a statement by the Intelligence Ministry, Iranian security forces managed to identify and arrest the terrorists before their planned terrorist attacks during the holy month of Ramadan (May 17 - June 14) and the international Quds Day, which was observed on June 8.

The Iranian forces also confiscated some military equipment that the terrorists intended to bring into the country, including grenades and bombs, explosive materials, handguns and Kalashnikov rifles, it added.

Stressing that they were nabbed after a series of intelligence operations, the statement said that the terrorists intended to carry out their acts of sabotage in Tehran and some other major cities to create chaos and insecurity in the country.

Earlier on Sunday, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Ground Force said that his forces had smashed two terrorist teams in northwest Iran over 24 hours, only a day after disbanding a 7-storng team of intruders.

Speaking to reporters, Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour said IRGC Ground Force troops had successfully fought off an intensified wave of terrorist activities in the western and northwestern border regions of Iran in recent days.

After smashing a 7-strong terrorist team on Friday evening, the IRGC Hamzeh Seyed al-Shohada Base servicemen disbanded two other terrorist cells, he added.

According to the commander, the two terrorist teams have been smashed in armed confrontations in Oshnavieh and Sarvabad border areas, northwest of Iran.

The two teams, comprised of anti-Revolution outlaws, had made desperate attempts to infiltrate into the country, but the IRGC forces attacked them after precise intelligence operations, killed 6 terrorists in clashes, and wounded 3 others, the commander said.

The IRGC is tasked with protecting the country’s northwestern and southeastern borders.