France’s World Cup Winning Celebrations Marred with Violent Clashes with Police (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Following Les Bleus’ FIFA World Cup victory a wave of jubilant celebrations swept across France that was marred with sporadic clashes between police and over-excited fans in several cities.

As the nation cheered the French 4-2 triumph over Croatia, some hardcore fans could not contain their excitement, somewhat spoiling the historic evening with violence. While most Parisians took to the Champs Elysees, a few rowdy fans started thrashing the side streets of Paris, RT reported.

Parisian law enforcement officers had to deploy tear gas and water cannons to stop unruly groups from vandalizing the streets of the capital, damaging shops and setting trash cans on fire.

Several incidents also took place in Lyon, Marseille, and Bellecour, where fans targeted the police by throwing empty cans, firecrackers, smoke flares, and projectiles.

They also smashed car windows and set trash cans on fire. At least 10 arrests were made, according to reports.

Similar disturbances were witnessed in Rouen where two journalists were injured during violent outbursts from the crowd. Police had to move in to quell the violence.

Besides sporadic clashes, however, the rest of the country celebrated the World Championship in style, with tricolor-waving supporters flooding the streets, jumping and screaming for joy over the French second World Cup.



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