Massive Wave of Opposition to US President Brings People to Streets Worldwide (+Videos)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Massive wave of opposition to the already unpopular US president took tens of thousands of people to the streets during the last week visits of Donald Trump to the United Kingdom and Finland in an unprecedented show of distrust and dislike to a political figure.

More than 250,000 demonstrators have flooded the streets of central London on Friday to protest against Donald Trump's presidential visit.

Security around London during Trump’s visit amounted to a massive bill for the UK taxpayer, estimated at more than £12 million ($15.8 million).

The UK Police Federation has described Trump’s visit as putting “unquestionable pressure” on the country’s police forces, as at least 4,000 police officers were deployed around the city, with many from other regions of the country forced to cut their leave to work overtime in London.

Police urged people on Friday to stay away from Trafalgar Square after tweeting the area is almost at full-capacity as thousands have turned out for the march. The marchers banged out a wall of noise as they headed from London's west end to Parliament Square in a loud carnival atmosphere of drumming and cheering.

During his visit, Trump discussed giving British Prime Minister Theresa May advice about how to gain an advantage over the European Union in the Brexit negotiations. May revealed on Sunday that Trump’s suggestion had been for Britain to “sue the EU” and “not go into negotiations.”

Trump is a deeply unpopular figure in England, where he enjoys an 11 percent approval rating.

The 20-foot-tall blimp depicting an orange, angry, diaper-wearing President Trump as a baby has become the symbol of the large-scale protests that have met the US president during his visit to Britain, that after months of scheming, plotting and crowdfunding, became the world’s most famous helium-filled balloon climb into the sky.

Organizers who meant to resemble a diapered baby blimp President Trump in London, later took it to Scotland on July 14 for the next leg of the president's trip.

At a rally in Glasgow on Friday evening, more than 2,000 protesters gathered and Scotland’s political parties set aside their constitutional differences to present a united opposition to Trump’s presence in Scotland.

Scottish police on Saturday arrested and charged a man in connection with the anti-Trump paraglider protest at President Trump's Turnberry golf course.

The police said in a statement that they had arrested the 55-year-old man in connection with an incident when a "powered parachute was flown in the vicinity of the Turnberry Hotel."

The man reportedly flew through a no-fly zone.

Videos shared on social media on Friday night showed a man flying over Trump's Scottish golf resort carrying a banner that read "Trump: Well Below Par."

On Sunday, about 2,500 protesters demonstrated in support of human rights, democracy and the environment in Helsinki, a day before US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin hold a summit in the Finnish capital.

Activists such as Free traders, anti-war Ukrainians, environmentalists used Monday’s summit between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin to hold two days of high-profile protests in the Finnish capital over a variety of grievances.