Argentina Ready to Host Several US Military Bases: Reports

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Argentina's President Mauricio Macri green-lighted the creation of several US military bases on the territory of his country, media reported citing sources.

According to the Mexican news portal Aristegui Noticias, at least three US bases could be established in Argentina's provinces Neuquen, Misiones and Tierra del Fuego. Their creation should be financed by the US Southern Command.

The news portal said Argentina's Security Minister Patricia Bullrich was allegedly one of the key supporters of the creation of the bases.

In November 2015, center-right Mauricio Macri won the presidential election in Argentina. Macri's victory put an end to the 12-year period, when the country was ruled by left-wing Nestor Kirchner in 2003-2007 and by his wife Cristina Kirchner in 2007-2015, Sputnik reported.

Macri has repeatedly said that the policy of his predecessors resulted in Argentina's isolation from the Western countries and promised to improve the relations of Buenos-Aires with the United States and the European Union.

Last year, US Senate introduced a resolution that upholds the US commitment to continue military and economic cooperation with Argentina a The resolution encourages the US State Department to create an effective strategy to expand cooperation with the government of Argentina on issues of bilateral, regional as well as global concern, the release added.