Spokesman Dismisses Iran-US Talks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson rejected the idea of negotiations with the US as media speculation, saying the Iranian nation will emerge victorious in the face of US hostile policies.

Speaking at a weekly press conference on Monday, Bahram Qassemi dismissed “media speculation” that Iran may hold talks with the US amid rising tensions.

He also rejected any link between the Omani foreign minister’s trip to the US and Tehran-Washington row, saying, “The US or parts of the US may express wishes (about talks), but after the (US) illegal withdrawal from the JCPOA and their hostile policies and push for economic pressure on the Iranian nation, I think there is no such issue (on agenda).”

“The US has proved to be untrustworthy and a non-reliable partner for any job,” the spokesman added.

Asked about the fear of a military confrontation between Iran and the US, Qassemi ruled out the possibility of any war, but predicted that the US administration’s hostile policies would go on.

The Iranian nation will thwart Donald Trump’s plots and emerge victorious in such a battle, he added.

Back in May, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei decried both the previous and current US administrations for reneging on their promises and threatening the Islamic Republic, saying that’s why Iran does not negotiate and interact with the US.