Threats, Sanctions Won’t Work: Iran’s FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said threats and sanctions will not work, urging the US to respect the Iranian people and its own international commitments.

“Iran & US had 2 yrs of talks. With EU/E3+Russia+China, we produced a unique multilateral accord—the JCPOA. It’s been working. US can only blame itself for pulling out & leaving the table. Threats, sanctions & PR stunts won’t work. Try respect: for Iranians & for int'l commitments,” Zarif said in a message posted on his Twitter account late on Tuesday.

The tweet came after US President Donald Trump on Monday said he was willing to meet with Iran's leadership, without preconditions, “whenever they want,” a sharp departure from his threats against the Islamic Republic last week.

“I would certainly meet with Iran if they wanted to meet,” Trump said during a joint news conference at the White House alongside Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Monday.

“I do believe that they will probably end up wanting to meet. I’m ready to meet whenever they want to,” he added.

No preconditions,” Trump said. “They want to meet, I'll meet, whenever they want.”

Monday’s olive branch from the US president marked an abrupt shift in tone, and may be little more than theater with US midterm elections looming on the horizon.