Iran, G77 Deplore US Unilateralism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Diplomats representing Iran and the Group of 77 -a coalition of developing members of the United Nations- denounced the unilateral policies of the US government, and explored avenues to enhance multilateralism in the international community.

Iran’s ambassador to the Vienna-based international organizations, Kazem Gharibabadi, on Thursday held talks with the Ecuadorian director general of the Group of 77 in Austria on various issues, especially concerted action against the US unilateral policies and arbitrary decisions.

In the get-together, Gharibabadi and Carlos Jativa Naranjo discussed ways to promote cooperation between Iran and Ecuador.

Voicing Iran’s readiness for closer interaction with the Group of 77, the Iranian envoy said this coalition of developing nations plays a significant role in serving the interests of its member states and coordinating the activities of international organizations, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and UN Office on Drugs and Crime.

Denouncing the US withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Gharibabadi said US President Donald Trump’s move to pull his country out of the JCPOA and other international treaties is aimed at “imposing unilateral policies and countering multilateralism.”

The US has become isolated in implementing its unilateral plans, as the international community has stood beside Iran in challenging the American measures, he added.

For his part, Jativa Naranjo, on behalf of Ecuador and the Group of 77, condemned Washington’s unilateral and punitive measures, calling for concerted action to promote multilateralism in the world.

Hailing Iran’s close cooperation with the IAEA, the director general of G77 also hoped for the full implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

On May 8, the US president pulled his country out of the JCPOA, which was achieved in 2015 after years of negotiations between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany), and also re-imposed the US sanctions on Iran.

The US administration has also intimidated other governments into cutting trade ties with Iran and refraining from buying its oil.