Several Civilians Dead in Saudi Artillery Attack on Yemen Residential Areas

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Mercenaries affiliated with the Saudi-led military coalition fired mortar shells and missiles at residential areas of Yemen, killing at least four civilians and injuring several others, including children, local sources said Saturday.

The Saudi-led intruding forces launched heavy missile and artillery attacks on Shada'a District in Yemen’s northwestern province of Sa'adah, killing three local residents and injuring three others, Almasirah TV reported.

In a separate bomb attack by the Saudi-led coalition’s fighter jets in the same province, a child was injured in Razih District.

In the meantime, snipers of the Yemeni army and Popular Committees, in retaliatory attacks against the Saudi-led coalition, have gunned down at least 50 mercenaries over the past 72 hours.

An unnamed military source has told Saba news agency that Yemeni forces fatally shot 20 Saudi mercenaries and Emirati troops in an area west of the al-Durayhimi district in Hudaydah province on Friday.

Five military vehicles belonging to the militants were also destroyed during the operation.

Since March 2015, Saudi Arabia and some of its Arab allies have been carrying out deadly airstrikes against the Houthi Ansarullah movement in an attempt to restore power to fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh.

Over 12,000 Yemenis, including thousands of women and children, have lost their lives in the deadly military campaign.