Iraq’s Ammar Hakim Decries US Sanctions on Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Leader of Iraq's National Wisdom Movement Seyed Ammar al-Hakim slammed the US policy of sanctions and threats, saying his country would not stand idle in the face of intensified economic sanctions against the Iranian nation.

Preaching to Iraqi people on the occasion of the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha on Wednesday, Hakim said it is difficult to imagine that Iraq will remain unaffected by the conflicts between Iran and the US.

Baghdad should deal with the US and Iran interests irrespective of the “policy of sanctions and threats which have brought nothing to the region but wars and destruction,” Al Forat new quoted the top cleric as saying.

Iraq will never agree with “imposition of cruel sanctions against the nations, and will never allow its interests to be threatened,” Hakim underlined.

He also stressed that Iraq could not remain idle if the economic sanctions against the Iranian nation are intensified, saying Iraq itself has experienced the impacts of economic embargos in the 1990s and believes that mounting pressure on nations for political purposes in an “inhumane policy.”

Hakim finally urged the US to review its policy of sanctions against the other countries and begin to realize the harmful impacts of sanctions against Iran.

The United States re-imposed stiff economic sanctions on Iran earlier in August, three months after President Donald Trump pulled the US out of the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers.

A first set of re-imposed US sanctions affect financial transactions that involve US dollars, Iran's automotive sector, the purchase of commercial planes and metals including gold.

A second batch of US sanctions targeting Iran's oil sector and central bank are to be re-imposed in early November.

Trump warned that those who don't wind down their economic ties to Iran "risk severe consequences."