Europe's Largest Volcano Mount Etna Erupts with Huge Blocks of Lava (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Europe's biggest volcano, Italy's Mount Etna erupted with immense strength - sending large blocks of flaming lava 500ft into the air.

Mount Etna has erupted with shock strength in the past 24 hours, sending chunks of lava as high as 500 feet into the air.

The tallest volcano in Europen has sent ash plumes into the sky, with officials remarking that the lava spewing down Mount Etna appears to be "non-stop".

The volcano, which is the most active volcano sites in the world, first "re-awoken" in late July, Express reported.

However, the National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (IGNV) in Italy recorded an intense escalation in volcanic eruptions on Thursday night.

Since then, Sicily's volatile volcano has continued to spew without interruption.

Despite this terrifying eruption, there have not been any evacuations of towns on the edge of Etna's slopes.

The volcano is a popular destination for tourists on the Mediterranean island, attracting thousands of people each year.

Etna is in an almost constant state of activity but has remained slightly dormant over the past two years.

The volcano lies above the convergent plate margin between the African Plate and the Eurasian Plate.

The 700,000-year-old volcano is a huge 24 miles wide and 10,926 feet high.

Etna produces around 7 million tons of steam, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide every year.

In 2013, Etna was added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.