Iran Decries Arab League’s ‘Baseless’ Accusations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry rejected as baseless the accusations that a four-party committee of the Arab League has raised against Tehran.

In a statement on Wednesday, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi rejected several unfounded allegations levelled against Tehran in the Arab Quartet’s statement and condemned the anti-Iran measures and moves of the committee, according to the Foreign Ministry’s official website.

The Arab Ministerial Quartet Committee, which met in Cairo on the sidelines of an Arab League meeting on Tuesday accused Iran of meddling in the internal affairs of Arab countries and supporting and arming terrorist groups in the region.

The spokesman said the statement issued on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the US, carried out by elements from certain Arab countries, is a blame-game and fruitless effort to divert the attention of the world’s public opinion away from the US’ warmongering and years-long support for terrorism and terrorist groups.

The spokesman went on to say that the committee members have issued the statement at a time when their destructive war on Yemen has resulted in an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.

“The war has not only destroyed basic infrastructure in Yemen, but also left millions of innocent people starving, ill and impoverished,” Qassemi deplored.

Under such circumstances, he added, the aggressors, indifferent to their crimes and amid the silence of international groups and bodies, are insisting on their catastrophic mistakes and expanding the extent of this unprecedented crime by the virtue of the support provided by certain trans-regional states.

Qassemi said Tehran has always sought security and stability of its neighbors, adopted a policy based on mutual trust and respect, and favored a stable environment along its borders.

The spokesman added that Iran has never put meddling in the internal affairs of other states on its agenda, and unlike the claims raised in the Arab League committee’s statement, the Islamic Republic has stood by regional states at their request amid terrible situations.

“We maintain that the accusations levelled and the claims raised in the statement are mainly built on unfounded and unrealistic Iranophobia illusions and policies dictated by others on the Arab states,” Qassemi said.

He finally advised the Arab League members to abandon such “doomed tactics and approaches” and give constructive responses to the attempts and initiatives by the Islamic Republic to hold regional dialogue and cooperation.