Iran’s Embassy in Paris Attacked by Komala Terrorist Grouplet: Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A group of individuals affiliated to the Komala terrorist grouplet attacked Iran’s embassy building in the French capital of Paris with no casualties reported.

The attack saw 15 Komala terrorists hurling stones and debris, spray-painting graffiti, breaking several windows and slightly damaging the diplomatic facility’s facade, according to the IRIB news agency on Saturday.

The report added that French police carried out no measure to protect the compound during the attack despite the claim that they were aware of the assault and had informed the embassy officials in advance.

The Komala is an Iraqi-based terrorist organization which has carried out assassinations in western Iran since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

The attack on the embassy came after the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps on September 8 launched a missile attack on a center in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region that was used for training anti-Iran elements and hosted a meeting of terrorist leaders.

The terrorists had a role in the killing of Iranian soldiers at a border post in the western city of Marivan.

In comments in October 2017, the IRGC chief said although Iran has the capability to extend the range of its long-range missiles, the weapons with a range of 2,000 kilometers are sufficient to fulfill the country’s purposes.

Major General Jafari said at the time that the 2,000-km range for Iran’s missiles is deemed to be sufficient because “most of American interests and forces” lie within this range.