Terrorists Suffer Losses in Syria's Idlib, Hama

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian forces shelled the positions of al-Nusra terrorists in Idlib, inflicting major losses on them in the northwestern province.

Syrian army artillery units shelled the Takfiri militants in the city of Jisr al-Shughour in Idlib, killing and injuring dozens of them, SANA news agency reported.

They were pounded while trying to sneak into the southwestern woodlands of Jisr al-Shughour, the report added.

A terrorist identified as Iyad Kasar Ramoud was among the dead.

In a separate development, the army targeted the terrorists in an area surrounding al-Latamina town, in the northern countryside of Hama, causing casualties among them.

Idlib’s terrorist groups are divided, with an alliance that includes al Qaeda’s former official Syrian affiliate holding most ground. The alliance, Tahrir al-Sham, is designated a terrorist organization by the United Nations.

Russia has described Idlib as a “nest of terrorists” and a “festering abscess” that must be resolved.