60 Percent of North Irelanders Expect PM May to Betray Them on Brexit: Poll

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A new poll from the Belfast Telegraph determined that most Northern Irelanders are worried that UK Prime Minister Theresa May will desert them on the final Brexit deal.

The Times poll found that 60% of North Irelanders thought Theresa May would not follow through on her promise to avoid a sea border, with only 12 percent of those surveyed saying they fully trusted she would keep her pledge.

The poll also noted a 50-50 split as to whether or not a second referendum should take place, adding that North Ireland voters would cast their ballots similarly to the 2016 referendum, with 56 wishing to remain.

The poll also stated that 22 percent believed that the Tory-DUP alliance would be of "great benefit" and 51 percent thought it was "detrimental". 60 percent also believed that Northern Ireland should retain special status post-Brexit, Sputnik reported.

The poll was disclosed after Theresa May appeared on the BBC's Andrew Marr show, where she refused to admit that a no-deal Brexit would cause a hard border between the two Irelands. 

However, many Conservative Brexiteers have promised they would not agree to an EU deal creating a border along the Irish Sea. Chancellor of the Exchequers Phillip Hammond stressed that a no-deal would be much better than one that divided the UK.  

However, Sinn Fein cautioned that any no-deal result would embolden plans for Irish unity, as it was the only way for North Ireland to stay in the single market. Sinn Fein party leader Mary Lou MacDonald also slammed Tory in-fighting over Brexit and threatened to hold a referendum on reunification.