Russia to Continue Anti-Terror Fight in Syria, Peskov Says after Iran’s Strike on Terrorists

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia will continue its fight against terrorism in Syria, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

"The fight against terrorist organizations in Syria goes on, and we should continue this fight," Peskov told reporters on Monday, the Tass news agency reported.

 In reply to a question asked about Iran’s recent missile strike on terrorists in Syria, he said, "As for the illegitimate presence of foreign troops and foreign armed forces in Syria, Russia’s position on this has been quite clear."

Early on Monday, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) fired several surface-to-surface ballistic missiles at Takfiri militants in an area east of the Euphrates in Syria in retaliation for a recent terror attack in the Iran’s southwestern city of Ahvaz.

The strike took place by the IRGC’s Aerospace Division, leaving large groups of terrorists and ringleaders linked to the Ahvaz terrorist attack dead and injured, according to a statement by the IRGC following the attack.

During the operation, dubbed “Muharram Strike”, six mid-range ballistic missiles were fired from a missile base belonging to the IRGC Aerospace Force in west Iran, and the “mercenary and criminal” terrorists were hit from a distance of 570 kilometers, the statement said.

Following the missile strike, the IRGC flew seven combat drones and bombed the positions and strongholds used for accommodating and supporting the terrorists that are mercenaries of the global arrogance, it added.

The statement also said that accurate reports show that a number of leaders of terrorists and leading elements behind the recent crime in Ahvaz have been killed or injured, while their logistical infrastructures and ammunition depots were annihilated.

During a military parade in Ahvaz, which was staged concurrently with nationwide military parades on September 22 to mark the Sacred Defense Week, Takfiri militants wearing disguise opened fire at the people participating in the ceremony.

The attack was simultaneously claimed by the Saudi Arabia-linked al-Ahwaziya terrorist group, and the Daesh Takfiri terror outfit, which is suspected of receiving Saudi patronage.

Three of the four assailants involved in the attack were killed by Iranian security forces, and a fourth one was arrested but later died of the wounds he had sustained during a security chase.

Following the terrorist act, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the attack in Ahvaz was the continuation of plots hatched by US stooges in the region to create insecurity in the country, adding that Iran’s intelligence services must swiftly find the accomplices of the "criminals” behind the attack and put them on trial.

The Leader said the "tragic and sorrowful" incident in Ahvaz and the killing of people by mercenary terrorists once again exposed the cruelty of the enemies of the Iranian nation.