Russia, North Korea, China to Hold Trilateral Consultations in Moscow on October 9

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Deputy foreign ministers of Russia and North Korea will hold bilateral consultations in Moscow on October 8, a representative of Russia’s diplomatic mission in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea told TASS on Saturday.

"On October 8, bilateral consultations at the level of deputy foreign ministers will be held in Moscow to be attended by the North Korean Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choe Son Hui, while on October 9, trilateral consultations between deputy ministers of Russia, North Korea and China will take place," the embassy said, TASS news agency reported.

Kong Xuanyou, China’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and special representative of the Chinese government on the Korean peninsular affairs, will represent the country at the consultations, the source added.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov is in charge for the Northeastern Asian issues. The consultations are expected to focus on denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and efforts to improve the Seoul-Pyongyang relationship.