Iranian Protestors Rally against FATF (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A crowd of students held a rally in front of the Iranian Parliament on Sunday morning to protest against ratification of ‘Combating the Financing of Terrorism’ (CFT) standards set by the FATF (Financial Action Task Force).

Protestors have gathered in front of the Parliament building in downtown Tehran, holding placards that warn of the dire consequences of ratification of CFT by the Parliament.


In the Sunday session of the Parliament, the lawmakers are holding discussions whether to approve Iran’s accession to CFT.

The Parliament had already decided to put on hold debates on Iran’s accession to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) for two months.

Iran’s parliament had in May adopted new amendments proposed by the government to the country’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) law as part of efforts to improve connections to the international banking and trade system.

Despite the parliament approval, the bills were not still obligatory, because it had to be endorsed by Iran’s Guardian Council. The Guardian Council had found faults with the bills and sent them back to the legislature for reconsideration.

They have been referred to the Expediency Council for the final approval.

Today, the Iranian MPs will decide whether to join combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) standards set by the FATF or not.