Iran Censures New US Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry denounced fresh US sanctions on Iranian banks and companies as part of a psychological war and a clear violation of the international law.

In a statement on Wednesday, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi decried the fresh US sanctions against Iranian institutions as a “blatant offense against legal and international mechanisms” that originate from the US government’s “vanity and blind rancor against the Iranian nation.”

His comments came after the US Treasury Department announced fresh sanctions on a number of Iranian banks, financial institutions and companies, including Bank Mellat and Mehr Eqtesad Bank.

“Unlike its claim and hypocritical remarks about supporting the Iranian people, the US government with such measures (sanctions) is obstructing their (Iranians’) benefits from foreign economic relations and from economic and trade connection with the international community,” Qassemi deplored.

The spokesman underlined that the US “cruel and unfair” sanctions, which run counter to the international law and human rights, will get nowhere.

Making a reference to the International Court of Justice’s warning to Washington to refrain from any action that might aggravate or extend the dispute with Iran, Qassemi said, “The US government’s behavior and stances and its lack of commitment to international mechanisms, rules and regulations are threatening not only the Iranian nation’s interests, but also world stability and security.”

Back in May, US President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), despite objections from other signatories of the accord.

In August, Washington re-imposed the first round of anti-Iran sanctions it had lifted under the JCPOA. A second round, forthcoming on November 4, will be targeting Iran's energy sector and financial transactions.