Khashoggi Scandal Disclosed Saudi Rulers’ Real Face, Rouhani Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani described the recent killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul as “an example that reveals the real nature” of the Riyadh regime and called on the Turkish government to continue impartial investigations into the murder.

“I urge the brotherly and friendly government of Turkey to continue the process of investigation in this case in a precise and impartial manner in order to reveal to the world all the dimensions and angles of this crime, which is unprecedented in recent decades…,” Rouhani said, addressing a cabinet session in Tehran on Wednesday.

“In a country where the Two Holy Mosques are located and Muslims in the world respect these holy places, this crime is an example that reveals the nature and reality of the (ruling) group that are present there” he added.

Rouhani further described any stance on the murder of the Saudi critic as “a major test” for all countries in the world, saying that undoubtedly, the positions of the US, Europe and other countries show how much they are “sensitive to human rights and the protection of human dignity”. 

Khashoggi went missing on October 2 when he entered the consulate in Istanbul. After weeks of denying knowledge of his fate, Saudi officials said the prominent journalist was killed in what they describe as a “rogue operation”.

After denying any involvement in the disappearance of Khashoggi, 59, for two weeks, Saudi Arabia on Saturday morning said he had died in a fistfight at the consulate. An hour later, another Saudi official attributed the death to a chokehold.

The death of Khashoggi has snowballed into a massive crisis for the kingdom, forcing the 82-year-old monarch, King Salman, to personally get involved.