Intense Clashes Break Out between Syrian Army, Takfiri Militants in Aleppo

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Syrian army repelled an intense attack by Takfiri militants from the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorist group in western parts of Aleppo, a military source said.

According to the source, clashes broke out after the Takfiri militants attacked the western districts of Aleppo city on Wednesday night, killing at least eight civilians and wounding eight others.

The Syrian army responded to the attack by firing missiles at the terrorists’ positions in the Kafr Hamra, Al-Layramoun, and Al-Zahra’a areas of the western Aleppo, , Al-Masdar News reported.

The source said the two sides exchanged fire for several hours before the clashes finally ended on Thursday morning.

Since Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham terrorists refuse to leave western Aleppo, the Syrian army has increased their military presence in the area as they prepare to launch a large-scale offensive to clear the last sites controlled by them.