Palestinian Movement Condemns Israeli Attacks on Gaza, Vows Response

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Popular Resistance Committees of Palestine decried the Zionist regime of Israel’s recent aerial attacks on dozens of sites across the Gaza Strip, saying the aggression would not go unanswered.

In a statement on Saturday, the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) condemned the Zionist regime of Israel’s escalation of tensions, its aggression against the Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip, and its move to target residential areas of Gaza.

The PRC said the Israeli move to increase threats and intensify aggression against the Palestinian nation in any shape is a declaration of war, stressing that Friday’s acts of aggression by Israel will not remain unanswered and Palestinian resistance groups will not stand idle.

The Popular Resistance Committees also stressed that its military wing, the al-Nasser brigades, will stand beside other resistance groups to respond to any stupid action by Israel, saying the whole Palestinian nation is in a united front to counter the enemy.

Israeli fighter jets struck dozens of sites across the Gaza Strip early on Saturday as Palestinian fighters fired about 30 rockets into Israel.

The fighting followed a bloody day of border protests, in which Israeli forces shot and killed five Palestinians protesting along the perimeter fence dividing Hamas-ruled Gaza and the territories occupied by the Israeli regime.

The Israeli military said it had struck about 80 sites across Gaza by early Saturday morning, including a security headquarters building.

Israel said about 10 rockets were intercepted by its Iron Dome rocket defense system, two landed prematurely in Gaza and the rest fell in open areas.