Turkey Used as Hatchet Man for US, Israel against Syria: American Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior American political analyst blamed the Turkish government, especially President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for the suffering of the Syrian people and said  Ankara allowed itself to be used as “the hatchet man for the US and Israel”.

“Every terrorist bomb dropped on some Syrian family’s home, every terrorist bullet fired that found its way into the body of an innocent Syrian child, Turkey’s ruling establishment knew that all of this was the inescapable outcome of its own decision in allowing itself to be used as the hatchet man for the US and Israel,” Mark Glenn, from Idaho, said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

“Therefore, Turkey possesses NO credibility in any discussion or debate as to whether or not the protocols which she agreed to implement regarding the ... demilitarized zone around the insurgent-held Idlib are indeed taking place, as she has--by her previous actions, revealed that she cannot be trusted to do the ‘right thing’,” he added.

Glenn is a writer and co-founder of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, an interfaith forum dedicated to uniting Muslims and Christians against Zionists. He has his own blog The Ugly Truth.

The following is the full text of the interview:

Tasnim: Turkey rejected on Tuesday Syrian government accusations that it is not meeting its obligations under an agreement to create a demilitarized zone around the insurgent-held Idlib region, saying the deal was being implemented as planned. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem said in comments reported late on Monday that Turkey appeared unwilling to implement the deal. What is your opinion about the comments and the future of the Idlib province, which with adjacent areas is the last stronghold of insurgents?

Glenn: Of all the players involved in this terrible drama, the one who obviously possesses the most credibility in any debate or discussion concerning steps that have been negotiated amongst the various players in all of this--Syria, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, and Turkey--in finally bringing an end to all the murder and mayhem are the Syrians themselves, who have been the victim of a merciless, deliberate campaign of mass murder and serial terrorism with the intended end result being regime change. And while countries such as Iran and Russia and entities such as Hezbollah certainly deserve the gratitude they have received, from not only the Syrians, but indeed an entire world that seeks justice for what has been done, nevertheless, it is the Syrians who possess the lion’s share of weight in whatever statements are made concerning what is taking place behind the scenes.

Having said that, what must be remembered is that none of the aforementioned mass murder and serial terrorism inflicted upon the people of Syria would have been possible were it not for the willing, active, and some would even say ENTHUSIASTIC assistance that was provided by Turkey, and especially Erdogan. Every terrorist bomb dropped on some Syrian family’s home, every terrorist bullet fired that found its way into the body of an innocent Syrian child, Turkey’s ruling establishment knew that all of this was the inescapable outcome of its own decision in allowing itself to be used as the hatchet man for the US and Israel. Therefore, Turkey possesses NO credibility in any discussion or debate as to whether or not the protocols which she agreed to implement regarding the aforementioned demilitarized zone around the insurgent-held Idlib are indeed taking place, as she has--by her previous actions, revealed that she cannot be trusted to do the ‘right thing’. Therefore, at this time, we, the members of the ‘jury’, simply do not have the luxury of taking Turkey at her word, and therefore must consign all credibility to Syria, who is the aggrieved victim of Turkey’s previous aggression and war crimes.

Tasnim: A four-way summit on Syria recently ended in Turkey’s Istanbul without any major breakthrough. In a joint communique following their meeting, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin called for "an inclusive, Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political process" and said conditions needed to be created for the safe and voluntary return of refugees. The comments came as the summit was not attended by any Syrian groups. What do you think about the summit?

Glenn: Again, based upon past experience, we can assume that Putin’s presence at the summit was the only thing that prevented the 3 other players in this from meeting behind closed doors and plotting the worst. As history has proven conclusively, besides the personal role Turkey played in the humanitarian disaster taking place in Syria, there are the contributions made to all of this by France and Germany as well, due to the subservient posture which both countries maintain towards Israel, the United States and to those organized Jewish/Zionist forces within both countries respectively who maintain a KGB grip over the economies, media, and political processes there.

Keep in mind that the ‘inclusive, Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political process’ resolution which was referenced by the 4 players was in large part made for public consumption. Merkel, Macron and Erdogan are still to this day intent upon seeing regime change take place in Syria, and Putin knows that without Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah military muscle on the ground in Syria helping the besieged government of Bashar Al Assad that the aforementioned 3 players will have their spies and political saboteurs on the ground making sure that any ‘political’ process that takes place will achieve that same regime change which all seek per Israel’s demands. 

Tasnim: Iran, Russia, and Turkey - the three guarantor states of de-escalation zones in Syria - have held several rounds of peace talks in Kazakhstan’s Astana and elsewhere to help end the conflict in the Arab country. The fourth round of those talks in May 2017 produced a memorandum of understanding on de-escalation zones in Syria, sharply reducing fighting in the country. What is your assessment of the parallel talks between the three countries on the Syrian crisis and Tehran’s role in the peace process?

Glenn: As usual, Iran deserves the eternal gratitude, not only from the people of Syria, but indeed, the entire world. Out of the handful of principled players involved in the events of the last half-century, Iran has offered no ‘half measures’ and has stood steadfastly in opposition to the demonic designs which Jewish interests and the West have implemented against the innocent peoples of the Middle East like no other. Where were Jordanian troops in rescuing Syria from the deliberate campaign of murder and political destabilization? Where were Saudi troops? Where were Egyptian troops? Dittos with every single country in the region--Arab or otherwise--who either sat back and watched the massacre taking place while doing nothing or else who offered assistance to that massacre, either actively (as in the Saudis and Turks) or passively.

Having said that, it is completely understandable why for strategic reasons Iran and Russia are attempting (with a certain degree of success) to pull Turkey out of the Western/Zionist sphere of influence and into a more ‘eastern’ neighborhood. As much as Erdogan can be rightly castigated for the assistance he provided in what may rightly be termed the Holocaust of Syria, at the same time it is also without dispute that a gun was put to his head by Israel and the West in the form of incredible political pressures, not the least of which were the various spontaneous ‘uprisings’ that took place suggesting that a Western/Zionist manufactured ‘Turkish Spring’ was in the works.

And, having said that, it is certainly to the benefit--both in the short term and in the long term and not only to Iran, Syria, Russia, but indeed to the entire world--that the budding ‘romance’ with Turkey on the part of those more eastern players continue as the necessary step in removing from Israel and the West a strategically-important forward operating base that has been owned and controlled not only by Western and Zionist money, but as well by the promise of re-constituting the same Ottoman Empire which these same Western/Zionist interests destroyed in the previous century.