More Iranian Air Defense Systems Brought into Service in Drill

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The second day of a massive air defense war game in Iran kicked off on Tuesday with the employment of two homegrown missile systems and the launch of indigenous ‘Shalamcheh’ missiles.

The second day of ‘Velayat’ air defense drill began in central, northern and western Iran on Tuesday morning.

Units partaking in the drill employed two homegrown air defense missile systems, Tabas and Mersad, today to shoot down the hypothetical enemy’s intruding aircraft.

Moreover, ‘Shalamcheh’ ground-to-air missiles were launched across the war game zone to detonate aerial targets.

The Mersad missile defense system is paired with Shalamcheh missiles.

Mersad is a medium-altitude missile system with electronic warfare capabilities.

On the first day of the war game, the Army fired three ‘Sayyad-2’ missiles paired with the ‘Talash’ homegrown missile system, which can hit medium and high-altitude targets.

In another operation, the IRGC Aerospace Force units employed ‘Khordad 3rd’ air defense missile system to shoot down dummy hostile aircraft over the sky of the drill zone.

Khordad 3rd enjoys state-of-the-art technologies suitable for electronic warfare. It can intercept 4 targets and fire 8 missiles simultaneously within a range of 50 km.

The drill involves tactics to employ command and control systems to detect, track and intercept hostile targets, conducting air defense operations in electronic warfare, using passive aerial detection systems as well as air-based air defense gear including manned and unmanned aircraft, and countering anti-radiation and cruise missiles.