New Recording Links Saudi Crown Prince More Strongly to Khashoggi Killing

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Shortly after Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated last month, a member of the kill team instructed a superior over the phone to “tell your boss,” believed to be Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman that the operatives had carried out their mission, a new report said.

While the prince was not mentioned by name, American intelligence officials believe “your boss” was a reference to Prince Mohammad, The New York Times reported, citing three people familiar with the recording of Khashoggi’s killing.

Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, one of 15 Saudis dispatched to Istanbul to confront Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate there, made the phone call and spoke in Arabic, the people said.

Turkish intelligence officers have told American officials they believe that Mutreb, a security officer who frequently traveled with Prince Mohammad, was speaking to one of the prince’s aides. While translations of the Arabic may differ, the people briefed on the call said Mutreb also said to the aide words to the effect of “the deed was done.”

In a statement on Monday, Saudi officials denied that the crown prince “had any knowledge whatsoever” of Khashoggi’s killing.