Era of US Hegemony in West Asia Over: Iran Army Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi highlighted the failures of the country’s enemies, particularly the Washington government, and said the US hegemony in the West Asia region has collapsed.   

Addressing a ceremony held in Tehran on Thursday to mark the martyrdom anniversary of Brigadier General Hassan Tehrani-Moqaddam, known as the father of Iran's missile program, Major General Mousavi highlighted the failed policies of the US and Israel in the face of the Axis of Resistance.

“The defeat of the Zionist regime and the defeat of the Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group and the strengthening of the resistance in Yemen are indicative of our geopolitical progress and the failure and defeat of Iran’s enemies,” he said.

Today, the era of American hegemony in West Asia has come to an end, and the era of Islam and Iran has begun, the commander added.

“Today, West Asia has turned into a large exhibition of US defeats…,” the commander went on to say.

 Back in June, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei stressed that Washington’s policies against the Islamic Republic and other Western Asian nations have faced defeat.

The US president has acknowledged that his country has spent $7 trillion in West Asia without achieving any results, Ayatollah Khamenei said at the time, adding that it means their defeat in the region.   

“This confession proves that the Great Satan has not achieved its goals despite all its efforts, and henceforth, however much they spend in this region, once again, they will not be able to reach their goals,” the Leader said.