Yemen's Houthis, Pro-Hadi Troops Exchange Lists of Prisoners for Swap: Delegates

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement and the Saudi-backed forces loyal to fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi on Tuesday exchanged lists of prisoners for a swap, according to delegates at the peace talks in Sweden.

The warring parties’ two lists contain a combined total of around 15,000 names, they said, Reuters reported.

Both parties have two weeks to revise the list of names.

The two sides are in Sweden for talks on a Saudi-led war that has pushed 14 million people to the brink of famine.

The talks opened Thursday on an upbeat note, with the warring sides agreeing to a broad prisoner swap, boosting hopes that the talks would not deteriorate into further violence as in the past.

Some 8.4 million Yemenis are facing starvation as a result of the Saudi-led aggression, although the United Nations has warned that will probably rise to 14 million.

Three-quarters of impoverished Yemen’s population, or 22 million people, require aid.