Hundreds of Syrians Refugees Return Home through Abu Dohur Corridor (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Syrian people who fled from terror groups return to their villages in the southern province of Aleppo, as part of the government’s efforts to return internally displaced persons to their homes.

The Abu Duhur corridor was opened on the southernmost outskirts of Aleppo province, on the administrative border with Idlib province.

A video released by Russian channel, News Front shows hundreds of Syrian people passing through Abu Duhur corridor to return to their settlements after the restoration of security and stability there by the army.

Also, many people use this corridor to enter the territory controlled by the Syrian government in order to receive benefits, salaries, see their families and friends, or go back home.

More than 1,000 Syrian refugees have returned to their home country from Jordan and Lebanon this week, according to the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for the Reception, Allocation and Accommodation of Refugees said on Sunday.