Israeli Missiles Intercepted by Syrian Air Defense System over Capital Sky (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian military sources affirmed that the air defense force has intercepted a number of missiles launched by the Israeli warplanes from the Lebanese territories and shot down 8 out of them before reaching their targets.

The source added that the Israeli Air Force bombed a munition warehouse inside the town of Qatana, causing damage to the site, SANA reported.

The source said that at least three soldiers were wounded as a result of the attack, but no one was killed, adding that most of the Israeli missiles were shot down by the Syrian air defense system before reaching their targets in Qatana.

The Israeli jets had reportedly entered Lebanese airspace before attacking their targets in Qatana.

The Syrian air defenses confronted a number of missile attacks over the space of Damascus western countryside over the past couple of months.

Below is a video of the Syrian air defense shooting down an enemy missile in western Damascus: