Trump May Be Seeking A Win-Win Outcome in Syria: Canadian Author

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A political commentator from Canada, who is the author of “Voices from Syria”, highlighted reasons behind US President Donald Trump’s recent decision to withdraw all US troops from Syria and said he may be seeking a “win-win” situation.

“The Axis of Resistance is effectively wiping out terrorism in Syria - terrorism supported by the West - and for this, we should all be grateful,” Mark Taliano said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

“Did the on-going military success against Western-supported terrorism affect Trump’s decision? I would think so,” he said.

“It means the world is shifting towards a multi-polar orientation, and Trump may be aware of this. Maybe he is cutting his losses and seeking a win-win outcome which will benefit both the US and its fabricated enemies,” the analyst added. 

Taliano is an author and independent investigative reporter who recently returned from a trip to Syria with the Third International Tour of Peace to Syria. In his new book titled “Voices from Syria”, he combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes mainstream media narratives about the dirty war on Syria.

The following is the full text of the interview:

Tasnim: As you know, US President Donald Trump has recently decided to withdraw all US troops from Syria. Given that Trump is a businessman and thinks only about profit, what are the reasons behind this decision? What do you think about the possibility of the total withdrawal? Would he keep US strongholds in Syria?  

Taliano: Yes, Trump announced that he was going to withdraw all US troops from Syria. It could mean anything, since Western politicians have no credibility. They say one thing and do another. They are largely puppets to deep state, unelected polities. 

Nonetheless, I am very pleased that he at least made the statement for a couple of reasons. 

First, it reveals the vacuousness of the fake Left and fake Progressives who infest Western discourse with their empty, uninformed anti-war posturing.  Any person who opposes such a decision (as the fake Left and fake Progressives do) is clearly pro-war of aggression. So they have lost all credibility to anyone who is paying attention.

Second, Trump’s statement means that it might just happen. Maybe he will pull US troops from Syria.  If he does, then that is extraordinarily commendable. Maybe Trump realizes that the neo-con project, spawn of the 911 false flag, is a disaster, as it is. The Western war criminals are perpetuating an overseas holocaust, they are draining public treasuries, and they are gaining nothing apart from permanent residency in the War Criminal Hall of Infamy.  So, from a business perspective, maybe he realizes that it is a lost cause and he should divert public monies to something productive, rather than to the black hole of the Pentagon and assorted agencies.

Tasnim: Trump’s withdrawal plan has been met with widespread opposition inside and outside the US. France's President Emmanuel Macron has said he deeply regrets the controversial decision. “An ally must be dependable,” said Macron, who reportedly called Trump to warn him against the plan. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and the US envoy to the global coalition fighting the Daesh terrorist group, Brett McGurk, resigned in protest over Trump’s decision. In your opinion, why is Trump insisting on his decision?

Taliano: As I explain in my book, the entire “war on terror” is a fraud, since the West supports all of the terrorists in Syria, including ISIS (Daesh). Unfortunately, war propaganda in the West’s post-democratic, new Fascist societies is a growth industry so most North Americans have yet to figure this out.  They probably never will.  I am very happy that some of these pro-terrorist, pro-wars of aggression public figures are resigning. I wish they would all face war crimes trials at the Hague and then leave the scene permanently. If Bolton and Pompeo do not resign, they should. Again, I wish they would. If Trump could divest himself of these criminals, then he would be truly “draining the swamp”, and that would be commendable.

President Macron of France is a self-serving puppet for the transnational oligarch class globalists who are destroying the world. French people are generally more sophisticated than their North American counterparts, with a better awareness of geopolitical realities, so they are waking up to the fact that neoliberalism is a failed economic ideology. The international banksters and transnational monopolies are profiting from the warmongering while 99 % of domestic populations are paying the price in terms of taxes, destroyed economies, increased poverty, and so on.  Socialism exists in France and elsewhere, but it is strictly socialism for the publicly bailed-out oligarch classes. The French, and most notably the Gilets Jaunes are seemingly aware of this. I commend the French for rising up against Macron and all that he and his government represent.

Tasnim: Some analysts say that the US withdrawal would be a victory for Iran. What is your assessment of the Islamic Republic’s role in developments which led Trump to take such a decision?

Taliano: Iran has played an important role in the war against international terrorism. Iran’s role in Syria is legal, and effective. The Axis of Resistance is effectively wiping out terrorism in Syria - terrorism supported by the West - and for this we should all be grateful. So, if wiping out terrorists is a victory for Iran, then so be it. It is a well-earned victory. Most North Americans would applaud Iran’s role in Syria if they could only disabuse themselves of the war propaganda that assaults and victimizes them twenty- four hours a day. Iran does not have an empire, nor does it seek an empire.  It does not commit wars of aggression against other countries, and it respects international law and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other nations, including its own.  Already the West is waging criminal economic war against Iran, and anyone who is paying attention knows that Iran is the West’s next target, so Iran has all the more incentive to fight terrorism. Western-supported terrorism is a direct threat to the Middle East and Iran must defend its national security.

Did the on-going military success against Western-supported terrorism affect Trump’s decision? I would think so. It means the world is shifting towards a multi-polar orientation, and Trump may be aware of this. Maybe he is “cutting his losses” and seeking a “win-win” outcome which will benefit both the US and its fabricated “enemies”. This would be a positive outcome.