Zarif Reiterates Iran’s Support for Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif underlined the Islamic Republic’s continued support for Palestine, saying Iran will always stand by Palestinian people and support their cause.

Zarif made the remarks in a meeting with Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement Ziad al-Nakhala in Tehran on Saturday.

The top Iranian diplomat emphasized that supporting Palestine was a fundamental principle of the Islamic Republic's foreign policy.

Nakhala, for his part, said some Arab and Western countries were making efforts to defeat the Palestinian resistance, but reiterated that Palestinians were determined to continue their struggle until complete victory.

He added that the resistance front had currently high capacity and capabilities to confront aggressors.

On Wednesday, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said Palestine would “lodge an application to gain full state membership at the United Nations” in January.

Back in May, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said Palestine would finally be freed from the clutches of enemies and that Jerusalem al-Quds would be the capital of Palestinian state despite US attempts to distort this reality.

“God willing, Palestine will be liberated from the grip of enemies and America and its stooges will not be able to a damn thing vis-à-vis truth and the divine tradition,” the Leader said.

In a meeting with a Palestinian parliamentary delegation led by senior Palestinian lawmaker Mahmoud al-Zahar in Tehran last week, Zarif once again reaffirmed the Islamic Republic's principled policy to support Palestine, urging all countries in the Muslim world to boost their unity to defend the Palestinian cause.

"We hope that some Muslim countries that have pinned their hopes on the support of the Zionists and the US will return to the Muslim world and realize that the Zionists are not a trustworthy friend or partner for anybody," Zarif said.