Iran Reaffirms Unchangeable Policy of Support for Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi underscored that the country’s stance on the Palestinian cause and the Zionist regime of Israel is principled and unchangeable.

In an interview released by the Foreign Ministry’s website on Tuesday, Qassemi asserted that Iran’s policy towards the illegitimate regime of Israel is unchangeable.

“Over the past days, two Palestinian delegations visited Tehran for talks with high-ranking Iranian officials. Iranian and Palestinian delegations have always been in close contacts with each other and have held talks regularly and this is not a new issue,” he said.

Given the importance of the Palestinian cause and Iran’s stances, the Islamic Republic and the Palestinian groups, which do not necessarily have similar views on various issues, sit for talks regularly and continuously, Qassemi said.

Elsewhere in his comments, the spokesperson slammed certain Muslim states for indifference towards Palestine and the crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the oppressed people of Palestine.

“The Zionist regime and the US have been seeking, through establishing contacts with certain Muslim and Arab states, to not only create divisions among Muslim countries with the goal of undermining the global status of Islam, but also distract them from Palestine’s issue and remove the Palestinian cause from the top of Islamic states’ priority list,” he deplored.

Qassemi then underlined that throughout the history, no occupying regime or oppressor has managed to achieve its illegitimate goals and the Zionist regime is no exception. “As said earlier, the Americans and the Zionists have been seeking over the past years, through creating certain crises, to increase tensions and conflicts among Muslim states and keep the Muslim world busy with its internal conflicts like what happened in countries like Libya, Syria and Yemen.”

“These are the very countries which used to be named as the resistance front against the Zionist regime over the past decades. But, today they are struggling with various problems due to the deceptive policies of the Muslim world’s foes. As a result of such policies, we are witnessing internal conflicts and lack of social and economic developments in the Muslim world,” he said.

Qassemi further blamed imprudence and lack of realistic views among some rulers of the regional and Muslim states for creating the current situation and expressed hope that unity in the Muslim world and peaceful coexistence of regional states could pave the way for reaching unanimity among Muslim states on the Palestinian cause and the Zionist regimes’ crimes.

“We also hope that Muslim countries’ cooperation could protect the rights of the Palestinians, return Palestinian refugees to their homelands, and establish an inclusive unity government with Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital,” he concluded.