No Beirut Summit without Syria: Lebanese MP

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Lebanese lawmaker said there will be “no summit in Beirut without Syria”, stressing that the two countries need each other.

“(Lebanese officials) should take the initiative to reconcile with Syria and invite it to the summit,” Amal Movement MP Ali Khreis said during a memorial ceremony in Tyre on Sunday, the Daily Star reported.

He was referring to the Arab Economic and Social Development Summit to be held in Beirut on Jan. 19-20.

“Lebanon needs Syria more than Syria needs Lebanon,” the MP added.

According to a report, Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil has contacted several Arab countries to discuss inviting Syrian President Bashar Assad to attend the upcoming meeting.

Citing informed sources, Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reported on Thursday that Bassil made the phone calls with Arab officials in cooperation with Egypt, noting that the final decision on Syria’s participation has not yet been taken.

According to the newspaper, so far the issue has been discussed with Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt and Tunisia.

The Arab League suspended Syria's membership in November 2011, citing alleged crackdown by Damascus on opposition protests. Syria has denounced the move as "illegal and a violation of the organization’s charter.”