Iran Has Borders of Friendship, Understanding: Commander Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The commander of Iran’s border police reiterated the country’s policy to develop amicable ties with its neighbors and said unlike some countries that seek to build walls along their borders, the Islamic Republic has borders of friendship and understanding.

“At present, there is complete tranquility along the borders of the country,” Brigadier General Qassem Rezaei said at the joint meeting of Iranian and Azerbaijani border commanders in Bileh Savar in the northwestern province of Ardabil on Wednesday.

“Unlike some countries that build walls along their borders and block them, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s common borders with its neighbors are borders of peace, friendship, and understanding,” he added.

The commander was referring to US President Donald Trump’s push for building a wall along the US’s southern border with Mexico.

The joint meeting of the Iranian and Azerbaijani border commanders opened in Bileh Savar on Wednesday and will last for two days.

It has been attended by all the commanders of the Iranian borders from Poldasht to Astara and those of the Azeri borders from Nakhchivan to Lankaran, according to Brigadier General Rezaei.