Yemeni Drone Strike Kills, Injures Dozens of Pro-Hadi Forces in Lahij

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Scores of militants were killed and injured on Thursday after Yemeni drones targeted a military parade of Saudi-backed forces loyal to the ex-regime in the country’s southern province of Lahij.

The parade was taking place inside a military base in al-Anad district in Lahij when a loud explosion rocked the area, eyewitnesses said, adding high-ranked officials including the ex-regime's deputy chief of staff were wounded in the attack, Reuters reported.

A military source said the attack targeted the podium where officials were sitting.

It was unclear if military officials were present from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the two Persian Gulf states leading a coalition that launched aggression against Yemen in 2015 to restore fugitive President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Yemen’s Army and Popular Forces have expanded their operations in retaliation for the ongoing US-backed Saudi airstrike campaign, which has killed or injured over 50,000 people as of October — as well as the devastating siege which has triggered a borderline famine. Women and children constitute most of all casualties from airstrikes and military operations.