Syria’s Air Defense Shoots Down Israeli Missiles near Damascus (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli warplanes fired a number of missiles toward the Damascus area, triggering Syrian air defense that shot down most of them.

“The results of the aggression so far were limited to a strike on one of the warehouses at Damascus airport,” SANA news agency cited a military source as saying.

The attack took place at 11:15 p.m. (2115 GMT), it said, adding, “Eight enemy targets spotted in the skies of Damascus exploded.”

According to the military source, the Syrian air defenses were “immediately” engaged overnight after a number of Israeli fighter jets came “from the direction of the Galilee (and) fired several missiles towards the vicinity of Damascus.”

Syrian state media broadcast footage of the air defenses firing, with bright lights seen shooting across the night sky. Explosions were heard in one of the videos.

During the past few years, Israel has frequently attacked targets in Syria in what is considered as an attempt to prop up terrorist groups that have been suffering defeats in their fight against Syrian government forces.