No Place for Hadi in Yemen’s Future: Ansarullah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah Movement said fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi will have no place in “the political future” of the Arabian Peninsula country.

Faisal Abu Talib held talks with the deputy UN envoy to Yemen, Maeen Sharim, about issues surrounding a ceasefire agreement between Yemeni warring sides recently reached in Sweden and the political solutions to the Yemeni crisis.  

At the meeting, Abu Talib said Mansur Hadi and former vice-president Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar will have no place in Yemen's political future.

“What is called the legitimate government of Yemen is nothing but a pretext for the aggressor countries to reach their goals through occupying Yemen and dominating its wealth,” the Houthi leader stated. 

Last month, the United Nations brokered the truce deal as part of confidence-building measures at peace talks in Sweden to avert a full-scale assault on the port city of Hudaydah that is vital for urgent aid supplies for millions facing starvation.

The two sides had also agreed on a prisoner swap. A Red Cross official said in Geneva they had exchanged lists of a total of 16,000 people believed to be detained.

Hudaydah, the main port used to feed Yemen’s 30 million people, has been the focus of fighting this year, raising fears abroad that a full-scale assault could cut off supplies to nearly 16 million people suffering from severe hunger.

The truce, the first significant breakthrough in peace efforts in five years, is meant to pave the way for a wider ceasefire in the impoverished country and the second round of talks in coming days on a framework for political negotiations.