Region’s Reactionary States Defeated in Face of Syria: Iran’s Velayati

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Ali Akbar Velayati, an international adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, highlighted the Syrian nation’s recent victories over foreign-backed terrorism and said “the reactionary triangle of the region” has been defeated in the face of the Arab country.

Speaking after a meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem in Tehran on Wednesday, Velayati offered his congratulations to the Syrian people and government on their victories over the regional and international enemies.

“The reactionary triangle of the region has been defeated in the face of Syria and whether the Americans want it or not, they should leave Syria,” he noted.

“Now, 90 percent of the Syrian soil is under the control of the Syrian government, and the rest will be liberated by the Syrian army soon,” Velayati added.

“Syria's victory is the victory of the Resistance Front,” he said, adding that Iran and Syria have strategic ties and what is seen today is the result of the unity of “the axis of resistance countries”.

Muallem, for his part, said Syria and Iran have fought against a common enemy named terrorism and now, they are against “colonialism”

“As long as we stay together, as we have gained victory against terrorism, we would also be victorious against colonialism,” the Syrian top diplomat added.

Conflicts erupted in Syria back in 2011, when a small group of opposition forces took up arms against Damascus.

Soon, however, a mix of international terrorists and paid mercenaries mingled with and then largely sidestepped the armed Syrian opposition groups, effectively turning the Arab country into a battlefield for foreign governments opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

But the Syrian military, with advisory military help from Iran and Russia — and a Russian aerial bombardment campaign — has retaken control of much of the country, and the conflict is generally believed to be winding down.