Iran, Turkey Complementary in Many Areas: Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Mehmet Cahit Turhan highlighted the importance of his country’s relations with Iran and said the two nations can complement each other in various political, cultural and economic areas.

Speaking at a ceremony in Ankara on Monday to mark the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution’s victory, Turhan hailed the growing relations between Iran and Turkey as deep-rooted and based on mutual understanding and respect.

He further emphasized that the upcoming meeting between Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in Russia’s Sochi would be of high importance. 

Turkey and Iran, in addition to their neighborliness, can also complement each other politically, commercially and culturally, Turhan said.

The remarks came as the Iranian people attended nationwide demonstrations on Monday in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the victory of the 1979 revolution which founded the Islamic Republic in the country.

Iran was ranked 19th in the list of top export destinations of Turkey and has been reported as the 7th major source of imports to Turkey in the first five months of 2018.

Iran and Turkey have set a $30-billion annual trade target, signing several agreements to enhance cooperation in various areas.

In October 2017, Erdogan visited Iran to attend the fourth round of strategic meetings between Iran and Turkey.