UN Chief Holds Talks with Iran’s FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres had a telephone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday.

In the telephone conversation, the UN chief and the Iranian foreign minister discussed the major regional and international developments.

In September 2018, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani held a meeting with UN Chief Guterres on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.

In the gathering, Rouhani urged the UN to do its duty to strengthen the international law in such a way that no country could arbitrarily violate international regulations and UN Security Council resolutions.

He also voiced Iran’s readiness to work with the UN on regional and international issues and in settlement of conflicts in Syria and Yemen.

Calling on the UN to take a more active role in delivering humanitarian aid to war-torn people of Yemen, Rouhani said Iran, Russia and Turkey have taken steps for establishing peace and stability in Syria and have prevented an outbreak of conflict and killing in the province of Idlib.

For his part, Guterres stressed the need for full implementation of the JCPOA, which he said is endorsed by the UN and the Security Council, adding that the sanctions against Iran are out of step with the UN decisions.

The Secretary General also assured Iran that the UN encourages Europe and the other partners to stand against the sanctions on Iran.