New Zealand Attack Meant to Deflect Global Attention from Gaza, Yemen: US Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A former US army psychological warfare officer and counter-terrorism analyst described Friday’s massacre in New Zealand as a ‘Zionist operation’ aimed at drawing the global attention away from other ongoing massacres in the world, including those in the Gaza Strip and Yemen.

One gunman killed 49 people and wounded more than 20 during Friday prayers at two New Zealand mosques in the country's worst ever mass shooting, which Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern condemned as terrorism.

“This attack seems to be trying to enrage Muslims around the world and motivate them to take revenge acts for this shooting,” Scott Bennett, the American counter-terrorism analyst, told Tasnim on Saturday.

“This of course would play into the Zionist-Mossad intelligence services which benefits from a war between Muslims and the West, and can use this renewed conflict to set the stage for a conflict against Iran, the conquest of the Golan Heights by Israel, and the Netanyahu military strikes against Gaza and Syria; as well as the Saudi Arabian attacks on Yemen”.

The analyst stressed, “Conveniently, this shooting event in New Zealand seems to be drawing the eyes of the world away from the other events in the world as well”.

He further said that the Israeli-Zionist intelligence agencies and military-industrial-police state in America and the West would seem to benefit the most from such an event.

“I believe this entire event is a false flag event… so this seems to be a psychological operation designed to manipulate the public for a political agenda—which appears to be a Zionist operation,” Bennett went on to say.

The Australian gunman behind the massacre, identified as Brenton Tarrant, broadcast live footage on Facebook of the attack on one mosque in the city of Christchurch, mirroring the carnage played out in video games, after publishing a "manifesto" in which he denounced immigrants, calling them "invaders".

In his manifesto, Tarrant said he saw US President Donald Trump as “symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”