US Biggest Source of Instability in Middle East: Iran’s Zarif

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, in separate messages, condemned the new sanctions imposed by Washington against Tehran as well as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s comments against the Islamic Republic, describing the US as “the single biggest source of instability”.

“US is the single biggest source of instability in MidEast. It may be deluded enough to believe that persistently violating int'l law, bullying sovereign nations & milking its clients projects strength. It does not. Its recklessness just displays panic of an empire in decline,” Zarif said on his Twitter account late on Friday.

The United States on Friday imposed fresh Iran-related sanctions on 14 individuals and 17 entities, according to a statement posted on the US Department of the Treasury's website.

In another tween early on Saturday, Zarif deplored Pompeo’s comments and said, “Even the Torah is distorted to serve Iranophobia. What it actually says: Persian king saved Jews from captivity in Babylon. Another Persian king saved Jews from genocide. Genocide plotter hailed from Negev, not Persia. Persian king is only foreigner referred to as MESSIAH.”

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network during a high-profile trip to Israel, Pompeo said it is "possible" that President Donald Trump was sent by God to save Israel from Iran.