Syrians Protest against Trump’s Declaration on Golan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hundreds of Syrians participated in separate rallies in Quneitra and Deir Ezzor provinces on Tuesday to once again reject US President Donald Trump’s declaration of the occupied Golan as “Israeli territory”.

The participants in the town of Jaba in Quneitra province condemned the declaration, which is a flagrant violation of the UN Charter and international laws and a blatant interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, SANA reported.

The governor of Quneitra, Humam al-Debyat who was also participating in the rally depicted the US move as “void and illegal” and show of hostility toward the people and a contribution to looting of Syrian country’s resources in service of its colonial expansionist interests.

A number of participants voiced their absolute rejection of this strange behavior at the level of international relations, which poses proof of impudence of the US administration’s policy.

The participants stressed that the Golan will always remain a Syrian territory, vowing to fully liberate it by all means.

They demanded the international community and human rights organizations to sue the US president because this declaration is an attack on the Syrian territory.

The residents of al-Mayadeen city insouthern Deir Ezzor also during a protest condemned the declaration on the occupied Syrian Golan, stressing their categorical rejection of the move.

They stressed their support for the Syrian army in the battles against state-sponsored terrorist organizations which are headed by the United States of America, affirming their determination to liberate the entire occupied Golan.