IRGC Vows to Boost Military Power, Regional Clout after US Blacklisting

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) described the US decision to label it a “terrorist group” as yet another episode in the series of US defeats, saying the hostile move has strengthened its resolve to enhance its military power and regional might.

In a statement on Wednesday, the IRGC denounced the “illegal, unconventional and unprecedented” move by the US regime to designate it as a terrorist group.

The statement said such a decision by the US president and the “idiots” around the US ruling system was another section in the chain of the White House’s defeats in the region, stressing that the move has strengthened the IRGC’s resolve to further boost its defense and offense systems and capabilities, as well as its rising regional might.

It also lauded the support that the Iranian officials and people expressed for the IRGC in recent days, stressing that such widespread backing for the IRGC signifies the invalidity of the adventurist US government’s move.

The statement underlined that the IRGC adopts the policy of mighty retaliation in the face of the enemies, adding that the adversaries will be given an unforgettable and exemplary lesson that would make them regret, if necessary.

US President Donald Trump announced on Monday that Washington is designating the IRGC a foreign “terrorist organization”, marking the first time the US has formally labelled another country's military a terrorist group.

Responding to the move, Iran’s Supreme National Security Council immediately declared the US as a state sponsor of terrorism and US forces in the region terrorists.

The SNSC said it has put CENTCOM on its terror list as a “reciprocal measure” against the US “illegal and unwise” move.