Syria Army Attacks Nusra Front Terrorists in Northern Hama

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian army forces eliminated a group of al-Nusra Front terrorists in a northern countryside of Hama, in response to their attacks toward safe areas as well as army positions.

Syrian forces on Wednesday carried out an operation against al-Nusra Front terrorists on the outskirts of al-Janabra village north of Hama after their breach of the de-escalation zone agreement, a military source told SANA news agency.

The source added that the operation resulted in killing and wounding dozens of the terrorists and destroying their weapons.

Terrorists were largely defeated in late 2017 by the Syrian army thanks to support from the Damascus government’s allies, namely Iran and Russia, losing almost all the swathes of land they had captured from the Syrian government in the course of their terror campaign.

Under a deal reached following a meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in September, all militants should have withdrawn from the demilitarization zone by October 15.

However, al-Qaeda-linked Takfiri terrorists said they refuse to either leave the buffer zone or hand over their weapons.