Iranian MPs Approve Motion to Counteract US Blacklisting of IRGC

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian lawmakers on Tuesday passed generalities of a motion to support the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) against a recent decision made by the US administration to label the force as “a terrorist group”.

During an open session of the parliament on Tuesday afternoon, the MPs voted for the generalities of the motion put forward by the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission.

The motion was passed with 204 votes in favor and 2 votes against during the open session attended by 207 parliamentarians.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Spokesman Ali Najafi said, “According to one of the items of the motion, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s administration is required to take reciprocal and decisive actions against terrorist acts of the American forces that endanger the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the framework of the Supreme National Security Council's decisions.”

According to another item, the Iranian administration is obliged to protest and take legal action against the illegal decision of the US to label the IRGC as a terrorist organization at international levels through bilateral and multilateral consultations with other countries, he noted.

Last Monday, US President Donald Trump announced that Washington is designating the IRGC a foreign “terrorist organization”, marking the first time the US has formally labeled another country's military a terrorist group.

Responding to the move, Iran’s Supreme National Security Council immediately declared the US as a state sponsor of terrorism and US forces in the region terrorists.

The SNSC said it has put CENTCOM on its terror list as a “reciprocal measure” against the US “illegal and unwise” move.