Mogherini: EU Does Not Recognize Israel ‘Sovereignty’ over Golan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – European Union's Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini said the 28-member bloc does not recognize Israeli “sovereignty” over Syria’s occupied Golan Heights.

“The EU has a very simple and clear position that I have had the possibility to reiterate and restate in very clear manner over time and more recently. The EU does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over any of the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967, in line with international law and with UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 497. And this also applies to the Golan Heights,” Mogherini said in a statement on Tuesday, the official website of the EU reported.

She added, “In parallel, the five EU Member States who currently sit in the UN Security Council – which are the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium and Poland – expressed this common position in New York in a joint stake-out. So we always ask the EU and its Member States to speak with one voice, this was effectively done in this case and it is not the only one I have to say”.

“I want to thank the 5 Member States that are currently sitting in the UN Security Council because the practice of coordinating positions there, expressing these position together including with public press statements done jointly with the five of them, including meetings with me to coordinate positions of the EU Member States in the Security Council is happening more and more often. And I think this is also fulfilling a responsibility that we have as Europeans to support multilateralism and a rules-based international order in these times, more in general”.

US President Donald Trump on March 25 recognized what he described as Israel’s sovereignty over Golan, a Syrian territory that has been under Israeli occupation since the 1967 Six-Day War.