US Responsible for Saudi War Crimes in Yemen: Ansarullah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Yemeni Houthi Ansarullah movement strongly condemned US President Donald Trump's veto of a Congress resolution aimed at ending support for the Saudi-led war against Yemen.

The veto “proves that the United States is not only involved in the war on Yemen but also was behind the decision to go to war,” Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdel-Salam wrote in a post published on his Twitter page on Wednesday.

“Others followed that decision and execute the wishes and ambitions of the United States,” Abdel-Salam added, referring to Saudi Arabia and its allies involved in the military aggression against Yemen.

He also held the United States responsible for “massacres, crimes and the unjust siege of Yemen.”

Trump on Wednesday vetoed the congressional bill, saying, “This resolution is an unnecessary, dangerous attempt to weaken my constitutional authorities, endangering the lives of American citizens and brave service members, both today and in the future”.

The resolution passed the House of Representatives in April and the Senate in March, marking the first time both chambers of Congress had supported a War Powers resolution, which limits the president’s ability to send troops into action.

Backers of the measure said the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen had made the humanitarian crisis worse, harshly criticizing Riyadh for killing civilians.

They also argued that US involvement in Yemen violated the constitutional requirement that Congress, not the president, should determine when the country goes to war.

The four-year-long war on Yemen has killed tens of thousands of people and spawned what the United Nations calls the world’s most dire humanitarian crisis, with the country on the brink of famine.