Israel Cuts Gaza Fishing Limit

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israel reduced the offshore fishing limit it imposes for vessels operating out of Gaza from Tuesday, a report said.

Gaza fishermen will now be able to operate no more than six nautical miles into the Mediterranean, down from a limit of up to 15 nautical miles Israel had enforced since April 1.

It came following alleged rocket fire from Palestinian territories.

The Israeli defense ministry said the new limit would be in force "until further notice."

Tel Aviv had extended the fishing limit to 15 nautical miles in some areas from April 1 as part of a package of measures intended to calm a flare-up of violence ahead of the April 9 Israeli general election.

The Gaza fishermen's union said the limit was then set at 15 nautical miles in the south near the Egyptian border, at 12 off central Gaza and at six in the north near the border with occupied territories.