Iran Castigates US for Violating UNSC Resolution, Forcing Others to Follow Suit

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s mission to the United Nations lashed out the US government for violating the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and pressuring other UN member states to breach it as well.

In a press release on Wednesday, Iran’s UN mission denounced attempts by US special representative for Iran, Brian Hook, at drumming up support against Iran.

The statement came after Hook went to the UN to update permanent members of the Security Council on US policy towards Iran.

The Iranian mission’s statement is as follows:

“A US State Department official traveled to New York to meet with the United Nations Security Council members to underscore, as falsely claimed by the US State Department, “the importance of holding Iran accountable for its defiance of UN Security Council resolutions on the development and testing of ballistic missiles”.

The US is reminded that resolution 2231, which has been adopted unanimously, replaced all previous resolutions of the Security Council on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, and endorsed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Iran’s compliance with its nuclear related commitments under the JCPOA has been confirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency for 14 times thus far.

Likewise, contrary to all fabrications and disinformation of the US, none of Iran’s missiles are “designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons”, and therefore resolution 2231 does not limit, in any way, the activities related to the conventional ballistic missiles of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Consequently, Iran’s related activities are not inconsistent with that resolution, rather, they fall outside of the purview or competence of that resolution.

However, the US, in clear and flagrant violation of resolution 2231, has withdrawn from the JCPOA. The worse is that, the US, as a permanent seat holder in the Security Council, is brazenly threatening other UN Member States, either to VIOLATE that resolution or to face PUNISHMENT. This is truly a destructive and hypocritical policy.

Instead of attempting to disseminate fabricated accusations and to exploit the UN Security Council to advance its mischievous policies against Iran, the US authorities must act responsibly in accordance with their international obligations and to explain to the Council members that why their country is violating resolution 2231 and why it is forcing other States to do the same.”